Landscape Park Masterplan

Location      Rahba, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Total GFA    100,000 sq.m
Status          Unbuilt
Client           Musanda/Dorsch

Interior Design
Landscape Design

Principle Architect

Mouaz Abouzaid

Upon the urban fabric found in Abu Dhabi which often overtakes the city, Rabha Park offers a peaceful and harmoniously aesthetic interruption to its surrounding areas. With a threedimensional landscape this project aims to disrupt the urban and create a space for nature
to grown and peace to foment. These objectives become the form and core of Rabha Park and its design. Upon view, mounded landforms provide a contrast to–and respite from–the surrounding built-up urban elements. Additionally, shaded places, play areas, informal gathering spaces, and displays of artforms can be enjoyed by visitors and provide a natural and social sanctuary for local residents throughout the day and night. But above all, Rabha Park project brings natural greenery to the city. Large areas of planting and gardening are introduced to allow for the flourishing of local flora, and to reflect the local verdant landscape. Trees, shrubs, and grasses provide multiple layers of vegetation and a backdrop for local communities to gather together and experience green-living, peace, and natural harmony.

Three dimensional landscape and an interruption of the urban fabric.

Experience green-living, peace, and natural harmony