From the start, the main focus of the Basra Governate offices was fitting a contemporary functional building into the cultural identity of the city of Basra, Iraq. Trying to meet function and professionalism with architectural ingenuity and cultural identity became both our challenge and objective while developing Basra Governate.
The building is designed along simple lines to give luster, ease in the division of space, and give the adaptability to change and accommodate different departments and divisions. The concept of the lines came from the signature logo of Basra itself. To retain city character, the bends in each of the blocks are utilized along with passages and walkways. To create a dynamic interior identity, courtyards were built resulting from the shapes and forms deployed.
Standing between sharp lines as part of its design, along side the shiny coat of glass windows on the building’s front side, the Basra Governate office building stands out as modern yet culturally sensible amongst the city’s architecture.